Creating a Fitness Routine with 4-Star Golden Circle and Athlete Suzan Hart
1) Accountability - Have a Partner or two or three people that you can exercise with.
2) Speak your goals into Existence – Tell everybody what you are doing, "I’m entering the _______ Challenge. My goal is to lose 'x' amount of pounds and get my body into the best shape of my life."
- Tell the world because as soon as you do, people are going to relate to you differently.
1) Accountability - Have a Partner or two or three people that you can exercise with.
2) Speak your goals into Existence – Tell everybody what you are doing, "I’m entering the _______ Challenge. My goal is to lose 'x' amount of pounds and get my body into the best shape of my life."
- Tell the world because as soon as you do, people are going to relate to you differently.
- You have actually closed the back door because now you have made it so real
that your environment will change.
that your environment will change.
- People will support you, they will encourage you, they will hold you accountable.
- Suddenly, you become a lot more accountable.
- You create an environment that’s in alignment with what you want to achieve.
So, don’t keep your goals to yourself. Don’t make it a secret. Make them very real and ask people, tell them…. "I need you to support me, hold me on, make me accountable, cheer me on, call me; check in with me." And, then, you are setting up a space where people are holding you accountable.
3) Creating a schedule in your calendar for your exercise program. Maintain a journal for exercise and for healthy eating. Make it a standing appointment; make it a priority. Build your schedule around your workout and also build your schedule around healthy eating.
3) Creating a schedule in your calendar for your exercise program. Maintain a journal for exercise and for healthy eating. Make it a standing appointment; make it a priority. Build your schedule around your workout and also build your schedule around healthy eating.
4) Plan/schedule your meals. Make time for those meals to nourish your body and keep you on track.
5) Start exercising at your level of fitness and monitor your progress. Listen to your body and be aware of where you are at. Again start where it is comfortable.
6) Working out can be fun if you choose exercises that work for you and exercises comport with your level of fitness.
7) Warm up – running on the spot, treadmill, a little bit of stretching. Stretching increases your range of motion; protects you from injury. Get your body ready before you work out.
9) Mix it up to stay energized and excited.
10) Celebrate success
Cheers & Be Well,