Well, my best is getting better! I have lost a total of 8 pounds as of today, on day three (not counting the two pre-cleanse days), of the cleanse program!
I want to add that this is more than a weight lost program, my goal is to get healthy and one of the ways to do that is to detox the body -- rid your body of parasites (yuck) and toxins and at the same time replenish with the nutrients your body craves which also prevents metobolism melt down (if you know what I mean). The benefit on the side is that I am also losing weight.
Well, I don't want to preach to the choir -- I am sure we all know about the benefits of cleansing our bodies -- just as we flush our cars and change the oil, batteries, etc. in order to keep them performing in optimal condition; so too we must do the same with our bodies (cleanse that is). Our moms and grandmothers were right giving us all that stuff and telling us "you need a good cleaning out" especially when a child was infected with a cold or virus! Othertimes, we needed a "good cleaning out" just because it was "about that time." (I do miss my mama). So, in the process of cleansing, why not cleanse your vital organs and body within at the cellular levels -- it just makes sense!
My youngest daughter and I are suppose to do a YouTube video together very soon about the health benefits I've experienced on Isagenix. **You know, one of the keys of success when embarking on a journey to health is FAMILY support.*** Please write that in your health journal as #1 -- make sure you document your journey also.
And, oh, do check out my oldest daughter YouTube video -- just do a search for AllNaptural!
It's great that the whole family is going natural (green); eventually I will get them completely green (organic, eating healthy, cleaners -- inside and outside the home).
I hate to go but I must study -- I am getting too far behind and like everyone else, I love "A's."
Going for the grade!
Thanks so much everyone for the congratulations on getting healthy and the weight loss. I appreciate the e-mails and support!
Oh, I most definitely must add that Isagenix has IsaDelights, good-feeling chocolates for snacks that are not only delicious but healthy, and fillied with nutrients, and helps cravings and weight loss! (Sounds, yucky, but I have heard good things about them and I am going to purchase ASAP and let you know how they taste!)
Cheers & Be Well!
Here's a pic of my youngest teen daughter. Isn't she Lovely!
Hi I wanted to welcome you to TwitterMoms. You have a great blog wanted to stop by and say hello
Hooray - soon you will be unrecognizable (sp) :o) Thanks for the YouTube shout-out :o)
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